Our Guiding Commons Values
Right relationships with all relations, and honors the belonging and stake of all, without exception
A sense of sufficiency, or even plenty, and in which we have a mutual responsibility to take care of this reciprocal abundance and pass it on
The humanity of everyone, build social equity in decision making processes, outcomes, and across society as a whole;
Take into account who we are and where we are from, including our history and our often difficult histories of relationships with land and each other and hence incorporates a grounding of restorative and transformative justice practices into our structures;
Structures, systems, and rules to support both continuity and adaptation as needed, recognizing and acting on the need for these structures, systems, and rules to support joy and healing in social and land-based contexts where these have often been deficient;
Returning and restoring co-creative responsibility with the land and with more-than-human neighbors, so that we can make decisions with the land in the context of reciprocal care and coevolution (the land cares for us and we care for the land);
Recognizing the need to interact with existing property systems that have dismantled and disallowed reciprocal care, welcoming participants of this system -- who may be hampered in engaging commons structures and practices by feelings of urgency, scarcity, and hierarchy -- to a heartfelt experience of abundance that supports us to address urgent needs in ways that heal and try not to reproduce the harms of property systems.